General Announcement!!! Hank Driskill and John Gavigan proudly announce Highlander: The Gathering 2nd edition... these are rules for running Highlander-style immortals in White Wolf's Storyteller line of roleplaying games... The ASCII files are now available over www, with the new postscript version coming before the end of the week! I *strongly* encourage people to update to the second edition. John Gavigan has taken my rules and greatly expanded them, including expanded character development, new powers, and a dueling system based loosely on the Klaive fighting in Werewolf... For my part, the new rules have been re-typeset from scratch: the result is 54 pages long (up from 23), with more pictures and more quotes and a much cleaner, more professional look... please, if your printer can handle it, download the postscript version... Mail me ( or John ( only if you absolutely, positively cannot get the files off the web... I could never find anyone in ftp-land to take the postscript version of the 23 page first edition, so I *know* no one'll take the second... but we can mail the ASCII out to poor mosaic-less folks... Hank.